Friday, February 10, 2012

Frustrated cussing!

I've been kicking myself to get the treks on a treadmill to see how they feel. I hate the treadmill. I hate street running too. I hate that the sun sets too soon right now for me to get in a trail run after 5pm.

I'm just a big ol' ball of hate right now.

Today I got on my running clothes and headed to the apartment gym. HOLY GILROY GARLIC FESTIVAL! I swear the last person that was there must have sweated buckets of garlic.
1.64 miles into it, I couldn't take it any longer. Every breath I took I felt like I was going to hurl. The shoes did fine on the treadmill, but I could feel my strike going back to heel if I slowed my pace. Not to mention I kept swerving, and some may can you swerve on a treadmill? Just imagine a drunk person walking on one...that is what I look like. Not graceful or cute in any way, shape or form.

After leaving the apartment gym, I went back to my normal gym where I have let my membership expire. It will cost 40 bucks to get it reinstated. I decided to check out the gym across the street that offers classes. Oh boy did it smell so clean. It didn't have everything I was looking for, but it didn't smell like garlic and it had some of the neater looking treadmills and even had stair climbers... the new kind. If they had Jacob's ladder I would have signed up right there and then, but I decided to wait and decide which one I will join.

By the time I got home it was already time to go pick up the boy so I decided to add another 1.7 miles on for the day.

Running on the treadmill I could feel a hairline pull in my shin and I had to slow myself down to a stupid slow pace. On my way to the school I tried to keep mind to the pull and see if it's there. The only time I could feel it is when I hit the pavement.

This is so much harder than I thought it was going to be.

Total miles: roughly 35 miles

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