Sunday, January 22, 2012

7.5 in pouring rain...and I loved every second of it!

The weather has been a little funky as of late. It's been super dry, but on Friday the rain finally came and as I watched the rain come down, I knew exactly what it was doing to my trails. This glorious rain was making my trails shoe stealing soggy! Most people wouldn't be too thrilled with this fact, but the best times I have had on a few of these trails is when the rain would wash away the trail and the only way you knew how to get where you were going was to follow the mud.

Saturday was clear and my boyfriend and I decided to stay home and watch movies all day. I didn't mind so much because I figured we would have all Sunday to explore my soggy trails.
We got up early on Sunday and I looked out the window. It was going to rain, if it wasn't already raining up where I run. He had asked me, "What happens if it rains?" I had replied, "We get wet."
He was thumbing through the book and I told him I already knew exactly what trail I wanted to do. It was trail I had done a bunch of times and if the weather had any play in it, it would be knee deep messy! My favorite!!

The weather was fine all the way to the top of Robie which is a nice 3 mile trip up. Now, if you go up and over, you hit the other part of the trail you don't see when you cut up through Robie. I took the lead and like a dumb ass turned right before I should have and ended up in a place I had never been before.
My ex had done this trail last week when we had taken a few friends out and he said they added a bunch more trails and connected a bunch that weren't connected before.
A mile into it, the rain hit and we decided to turn around and retrace our steps. I bitched to myself the damn way because I knew were going to miss the rail bed part of the favorite part that I couldn't wait to share with him. My bitching in my head made me completely ignore the fact that the rain was coming down in sheets. In fact it took me another two miles before I looked up over the canyon and noticed how much it was raining. This wasn't drizzle. This was full on sheets of rain. Guess that would explain the waterfall coming off my hat. I proceeded to finally put on my jacket.

The trip back went fast. I checked my Garmin when we got to the top of Robie..."okay, three more miles and we are at the car." It was 11:47 when I took off. I checked my watch when we hit the end of the trail. It was about 33 minutes. My record for Robie. I even beat my mile per minute goal.

The shoes were fantastic. The trail was soggy mess and I just ran through it, the water didn't even bother me until I ran through the waterfall, but within a minute the water was gone and I didn't feel like I was running in wet shoes at all. It was about the last half mile in the shoes that my balls of my feet started to get sore.

VICTORY was mine this Sunday!!

Total 24.5 miles

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