Monday, February 6, 2012

Weird weekend

I had planned on going on a longer hike, but decided that we would just do a quick 3 miles and then head home and get our bikes up and running.

We decided to do the Foresthill bridge hike and then down Mossy to Tinker. The incline is nuts and I have gotten use to going up in my V5F shoes, but I hadn't quite mastered the down part.

In my Brooks I can really get some speed up going down the hills, but with the V5F's I needed to find a way to have the speed, but not die in the process. When the grade is so steep I found that I take my toes and scrunch them up and use that to slow myself down.
I love the trial and error of learning how to use my shoes to fit what I am doing.

When we got home we got our bikes some new brakes and Lester gave me a 2 second "here's how you ride a ten speed." It seemed so stupid because as a young girl I use to race BMX. I just never learned how to ride a bike with speeds. Stop, go real fast, jump the tabletops, go real fast, stop, pick up trophy. BMX was easy. I have NO idea how to find the right speed for what I am doing. For the record, I drive a clutch, so yes...I see how stupid I sound right now.
The shoes don't like bikes though. Well, let's be a little more clear. I don't like the shoes for biking.
I also don't like them sitting in the hockey rink, if i'm not feetsies get cold.

3 miles added = 31.5 miles

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